Table of Contents
- Exploring the map
- Searching for a place
- 起点加速器网址
- Browsing the directory
- YouTube免费加速器
- Printing pages
- Sending feedback
Exploring the map
To interact with the map, click and drag the map in any direction.
To zoom in and out of the map, click on the + or - icons of the map slider on the right. You can also use your mouse scrollwheel.
Click on map icons to open up info windows that contain more information about the point of interest.
Car park
Shuttle Bus Stop
Public Bus Stop
Right click on the map to open a menu with more functions – What's here / Clear map / Report a problem
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Searching for a place
- Once you start typing in the search box, you can choose from the list of suggestions.
- Press the enter key or click on the search button to search.
There are a few ways you can search for places:
- By name: "TR40"
- By building: "School of Art, Design and Media"
- 起点加速器网址 "NIE"
- By address: "50 Nanyang Avenue"
- By postal code: "639798"
- By keywords: "barber"
Searching for directions
To look for directions between places, just include the "to" keyword between the place you're going from, and the place you're going to.
- YouTube免费加速器
- "tr40 to canteen b"
- "639798 to ced"
- "50 nanyang avenue to sac"
Similar to searching for places, there will also be a list of suggestions that you can choose from, once you start typing in the search box.
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Browsing the directory
If you'd like to browse a directory of places, click on the "Browse" icon next to the search box to open the browse window.
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Email and web linking
You can send an email or link of the current page that you're browsing to your friend.
- Click on the "Email" link on the navigation menu(top right corner of the webpage).
* 夸克官网 更好的搜索 智能免广告:夸克,是追求极速智能搜索的先行者,为用户的信息获取提供极速精准的搜索体验。搜索,就该更好的! 夸克以轻、快为核心,专注用户的信息服务。夸克不仅是追求极简理念,更是极速智能的搜索。 - Fill in the To and From email addresses.
- Click on the "send" button.
- Click on the "Link" link on the navigation menu(top right corner of the webpage).
- Copy link.
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Printing pages
- Click on the "Print" link on the navigation menu(top right corner of the webpage).
- A new browser window will open up, with printer-friendly formatting for the current page you're browsing.
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Sending Feedback
If you have any suggestions or feedback that you'd like us to hear, click on the "feedback" link on the navigation menu, top right corner of the webpage.
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